Urgențe Medicale NON-STOP!
Pentru urgențe 24/7
+4 0742 156 577

Serviciile noastre sunt destinate cazurilor,
de afecțiuni, accidentări sau boli
care nu pun viața în pericol imediat.

Pentru situații grave sau
urgențe critice, vă rugăm să apelați 112.

Bulevardul Alexandru Lăpușneanu nr. 75,
bl. LV 4, Constanța, România

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Case Studies 1

Regarded as a leading hospital in Queens, New York, we offer a wide variety of patient-centered, expert care to our community.

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All Case Cardiologist Ophthalmology Psychiatry Pulmonary Rhinology
Neurosurgery Surgeon
Main Hospitals or larger hospital systems may provide their own ambulance service as a service to the community, or where ambulance care is unreliable or…
State of the Art Dentistry
Main Hospitals or larger hospital systems may provide their own ambulance service as a service to the community, or where ambulance care is unreliable or…
Limb Movement Assistance
Main Hospitals or larger hospital systems may provide their own ambulance service as a service to the community, or where ambulance care is unreliable or…
Uncovering a Hidden Threat
Main Hospitals or larger hospital systems may provide their own ambulance service as a service to the community, or where ambulance care is unreliable or…
Brain Damage Studies
Main Hospitals or larger hospital systems may provide their own ambulance service as a service to the community, or where ambulance care is unreliable or…
A Rocky Resurgence
Main Hospitals or larger hospital systems may provide their own ambulance service as a service to the community, or where ambulance care is unreliable or…
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Serviciile noastre sunt destinate cazurilor, de afecțiuni, accidentări sau bolicare nu pun viața în pericol imediat.


Bulevardul Alexandru Lăpușneanu nr. 75,
bl. LV 4, Constanța, România

E-mail: office@clinicahomeomed.ro

Program: Mon -Sat: 24/7

Urgențe 24h: +4 0742 156 577

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