Welcome to meidicross the leading medical facility for the health of you and your family.

11 SW 10th Ave 1206, Portland,
OR United States
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Monday - Saturday: 7.00am - 19.00pm
Sunday: 8.30am - 19.30pm

Medicross Health Care Center Your Wellness, Our
Priority Your Path to
Better Health Begins Here.
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Medicross Health Care Center We Bring you the Best Treatments and Facilities for your Health. View All Services
1 +
Years of Experience in the Medical Field
1 %
Customer Satisfaction is Our Success
Honorary Award for Best Quality Hospital
Highly Specialized Doctors and Nurses

Schedule Hours

Monday – Thursday

08:00 – 18:00


09:00 – 17:00


07:30 – 20:30


08:30 – 19:30

Our Location

With more than 24 Locations across the country, we are confident in providing the best care to our customers. No matter where you are, we are always there when you need us.


Call us 24/7 with any emergency or to schedule an appointment and check your health.

Call Us Today: +1 800-123-1234

About Medicross Health Hopital

At Medicross Hospital we offer a wide range of high-quality private healthcare services with a team of experienced specialists. Based in Wellington, we offer the latest in techniques and equipment available to those in our region and beyond. We have a proud history of offering our patients the very best of care and putting our people (our patients, staff, and specialists) first.

Intensive Care

We understand that accessing medical care can sometimes be challenging, especially for individuals with limited mobility or busy schedules. 

Specialised Support Service

We understand that accessing medical care can sometimes be challenging, especially for individuals with limited mobility or busy schedules.

Medical & Surgical

We understand that accessing medical care can sometimes be challenging, especially for individuals with limited mobility or busy schedules. 

We Provide the Best Service for your Health

Our Practice Areas and Expertise

The healthcare arena there was a felt need of developing new as well as upgrading the existing functioning and processes. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean malesuada porta sapien.


Tratamente injectabile și perfuzii

Tratamente injectabile, perfuzii și infiltrații pentru diverse afecțiuni.
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Recuperare medicală și fizioterapie

Proceduri de recuperare medicală, inclusiv kinetoterapie, masaj și fizioterapie.
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Homeopatie și terapii naturale

Tratamente homeopatice naturale pentru refacerea sănătății și prevenția bolilor.
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Medicină generală pentru adulți

Consultații medicale generale pentru diagnostic și tratament la adulți.
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Pediatru Constanța

Consultații și tratamente pediatrice

Consultații și tratamente pentru copii, asigurate de medici pediatri cu experiență.
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Welcome to Medicross Health Care Center

Committed To Build A Positive, Safe, Patient Focused Culture.

If you’re looking for a reliable health insurer with outstanding services and insurance solutions tailored to your require- ments,you need look no further than Medikal. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Friendly team you can call friends
We accept many insurance plans and offer discounts
We use energy-saving and waste-reducing methods
Only Qualified Doctors
Some neurologists receive subspecialty training focusing on a particular area of the fields.
High Medical Treatment
Some neurologists receive subspecialty training focusing on a particular area of the fields.

We’ll Help you Manage a Range of Conditions

We Provide All Aspects Of Medical Practice For Your Whole Family!

Transparent Prices Cutting Edge Facility Highly Qualified Doctor

We will work with you to develop individualised care plans, including management of diseases. We are committed to being the region’s premier healthcare network providing patient centered care that inspires service excellence. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

We will work with you to develop individualised care plans, including management of diseases. We are committed to being the region’s premier healthcare network providing patient centered care that inspires service excellence. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

We will work with you to develop individualised care plans, including management of diseases. We are committed to being the region’s premier healthcare network providing patient centered care that inspires service excellence. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Your Health Care Process

We Work to Achieve Better Health Outcomes One Step at a Time

We will work with you to develop individualised care plans, including management of chronic diseases. If we cannot assist, we can provide referrals or advice about the type of practitioner you require.

Take Care of your Health and that of your Family Today!


Zocdoc Overall Rating based on 7541 reviews.

Pricing Plans Table

Choose the Medical Examination Plan

Choose a comprehensive health check-up plan for your health without incurring any additional costs

Save Costs Compared to Paying Each Time
Prioritize Every Visit and Prescription
Cancel anytime you want

Common Diseases and how to Prevent Them

Recent Case Studies

We are committed to being the region’s premier healthcare network by providing patient-centered care that inspires clinical and service excellence, making us the first

Customer Testimonials

What Our Customers Say?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean libero orci, posuere sit amet neque quis.

Meet Doctors

We treat all our patients in a unique way and we can provide you with treatment that has a personal approach. We have a professional-but-caring attitude and you can count on us to walk you through every step of the treatment.

Juhani Pallasmaa - Quote

CEO Medicross Health Care Center

Virtual Consultation

Healthcare Everywhere With Doctor Medicross

Meet a Medicross Clinic provider online from the comfort of your home by video calling from your mobile phone or computer.

Become Part Of The Center

Begin your Journey with Medicross!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum quis ullamcorper ligula. Phasellus sit amet gravida.

Read Our Latest News

Featured News and Insights

Read the latest news about medicross as well as medical news around the world. Nam porttitor ullamcorper. Ut venenatis lacus eget nisi sodales, eget suscipit quam.

Take care of your health and that of your family today

10% Discount for First Appointment!

Address Medical
511 SW 10th Ave 1206, Portland, OR United States 
Opening Hours: 7.00am - 19.00pm
Contact Us
Email: Medicrosshealth@gmail.com 
Call Us 24h: +1 800-123-1234

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      Serviciile noastre sunt destinate cazurilor, de afecțiuni, accidentări sau bolicare nu pun viața în pericol imediat.


      Bulevardul Alexandru Lăpușneanu nr. 75,
      bl. LV 4, Constanța, România

      E-mail: office@clinicahomeomed.ro

      Program: Mon -Sat: 24/7

      Urgențe 24h: +4 0742 156 577

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