Urgențe Medicale NON-STOP!
Pentru urgențe 24/7
+4 0742 156 577

Serviciile noastre sunt destinate cazurilor,
de afecțiuni, accidentări sau boli
care nu pun viața în pericol imediat.

Pentru situații grave sau
urgențe critice, vă rugăm să apelați 112.

Bulevardul Alexandru Lăpușneanu nr. 75,
bl. LV 4, Constanța, România

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We provide many different appointment booking methods for you to choose from, book an appointment online to come in for an in-person examination.

Call Us when you Need Help!
24/7 Support: +1 800-123-1234

At Medicross, we value our patient’s time, and strive to run on time. We intentionally do not overbook our schedule to ensure the best experience for your visit. Should you be unable to keep your appointment, please contact our office at least 24 hours in advance to cancel.

[tt_timetable event='dr-julia-stuard,dr-margery-nixon,dr-olivia-addison,dr-pablo-owens,dr-tom-kenneth' event_category='cardiologist,ophthalmology,psychiatry,pulmonary,rhinology' columns='monday,tuesday,wednesday,thursday,friday,saturday,sunday' hour_category='' filter_style='tabs' filter_kind='event_category' time_format='H:i' event_layout='5' row1_color='ffffff' row2_color='ffffff' generate_pdf_bg_color='ffffff' generate_pdf_hover_bg_color='ffffff' booking_bg_color='ffffff' booking_hover_bg_color='ffffff' box_bg_color='ffffff' box_hover_bg_color='f1f2f2' box_txt_color='051b2e' box_hover_txt_color='051b2e' box_hours_txt_color='051b2e' box_hours_hover_txt_color='051b2e' filter_color='ffffff' disable_event_url='1' row_height='90' font_custom='GT Walsheim Pro' font_subset='']

Take Care of your Health and that of your Family Today!


Zocdoc Overall Rating based on 7541 reviews.


Serviciile noastre sunt destinate cazurilor, de afecțiuni, accidentări sau bolicare nu pun viața în pericol imediat.


Bulevardul Alexandru Lăpușneanu nr. 75,
bl. LV 4, Constanța, România

E-mail: office@clinicahomeomed.ro

Program: Mon -Sat: 24/7

Urgențe 24h: +4 0742 156 577

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